Spring Events in Turks and Caicos

Spring Events in Turks and Caicos

Spring is a great time to visit the Turks and Caicos. The weather is warm and dry. The winds are gentle, which means the turquoise waters that surround our islands remain tranquil and warm. It’s the perfect time to plan your vacation.

As well, there are many events throughout the spring that are great for families. The spring season starts in Turks and Caicos with the Middle Caicos Valentine’s Day model boat race.

In most years Easter sees Turks and Caicos Kite Festival. The skies of North Caicos above Horse Stable Beach are decorated with kites of all sizes, shapes, and colors, while on Providenciales the festival occurs at the Kids Park in the Bight Settlement, in the heart of Grace Bay.

This year the kite festival occurred on North Caicos on March 26, and on Providenciales on March 28. It’s over for now, but if you want a spectacular, family-friendly event, this is for you.

This year Easter egg hunts and family-friendly games will occur on Sunday, April 16 in Bight Park on Providenciales.